
Lead Manager - Whānau Wellbeing | Hawke’s Bay_NewZealand

Bring your professionalism, strong values base and rock solid Social Work Practise to this Kaupapa Māori organisation. Reporting to the CEO

About the Organisation

This Ahuriri (Napier) based charitable trust is a provider of kaupapa Māori driven, evidenced based, birth to death health, social services and Whānau Ora services to whānau in Ahuriri and surrounding district. 

About the role

Lead Manager, Whānau Wellbeing is a senior leadership role reporting to the CEO with core responsibilities of stakeholder relationships, strategic business direction, leadership and governance, people and performance, and financial management. You will:
  • Oversee a variety of services including Whānau Ora, Youth, Emergency Housing, Family start, SWIS, Paiheretia te Muka Tāngata (Iwi / Corrections whānau support for tāne involved in the justice system) and Kia Piki Te Ora (Suicide Prevention). 
  • Be the Lead advisor on best practice, on vulnerable children requirements, decision making and clinical practice supervision.
  • Have oversight of contract monitoring and management, quality improvement, team and contractual performance, reporting and stakeholder relationships.
  • Identify and help shape services to support people and whānau into independence / mana motuhake.
  • Enjoy a good balance of working strategically and collaboratively at an iwi/funder level but also day to day interaction with staff to see progression of whānau. 
About you
  • This role requires a Qualified Social Worker registered with the SWRB NZ.
  • You’ll have knowledge of contracts for service and agreements between funders and providers as well as relevant legislation such as the Children's Act 2014 and Oranga Tamariki Act 1989.
  • Have a proven track record in developing and leading child and whānau centred services.
  • You will be a professional and values driven leader. You are honest, transparent and reflective in your approach. You are well known for being an expert communicator, inclusive and collaborative. 
  • Skilled in managing stakeholders - maintaining networks and relationships; negotiating and managing funding contracts.
  • Innovative and open minded - you’ll see opportunities, not problems
  • Effective in managing change processes involving consultation, planning and implementation
  • Ideally have links to local iwi, whānau, hapū, marae and other relevant community networks and organisations
  • A deep understanding of Kaupapa Māori, tikanga, kawa and te reo Māori, as well as respect and understanding for the diversity of cultures in the community
Without a doubt you’ll have a genuine commitment and passion for the wellbeing of the community and will continue to harness the organisation's greatests strength - their sense of whānau. Your core purpose will be to work in a way that benefits whānau, hapū and iwi. 
What’s in it for you
Over the last two years this organisation has increased services, increased revenue and worked collaboratively with other providers to benefit whānau, hapū and iwi. But there is more to do. Clinical oversight and practice needs enhancing. Bring your clinical expertise, leadership skills and heart to serve. 
  • Work with a grounded CEO in a high trust environment
  • Relevant organisation with a bright future and the faith of funders
  • Lots of mahi to sink your teeth into and lead
  • Involve yourself in a developing culture. 
  • Competitive remuneration + vehicle
Send your cover letter and resume to the apply now link. Alternatively, to discuss this position in more detail or request a Job Description please email
Applications close Thursday 20th March 2024 however to keep momentum going we will be screening and interviewing candidates prior to close off.


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Lead Manager - Whānau Wellbeing | Hawke’s Bay_NewZealand

  • Category: Psychology / Counselling & Social Work
  • Location: Hawke’s Bay_NewZealand
  • Work Type: Full-Time
  • Overarching leadership role - Strategy, Operations, People, Practice, Finances
  • An opportunity to influence and improve clinical practise
  • Competitive Remuneration + vehicle

Application Completed

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